Fr Andrew Sage
Jan 31, 2021
Thought for the week - 31 January - Looking forward to Candlemass
Gospel Luke 2: 22-40 The Feast of The Presentation of Christ in the temple, or Candlemass can be kept on this Sunday, or on Tuesday, 2nd...

Fr Andrew Sage
Jan 24, 2021
Thought for the week - 24 January 2021
Gospel John 2: 1-11. The Wedding at Cana. The picture below is by Veronese, painted in 1563. It depicts the scene as if it were in...

St Stephens
Jan 17, 2021
Thought for the week - 17 January
Old Testament lesson Samuel 3: 1–20. Gospel John 1: 43-end. It is interesting isn’t it, what we ask people when we meet them for the...

Fr Andrew Sage
Jan 9, 2021
Pastoral letter
Dear brothers and sisters, Many of you may have seen that in the light of the very steep rise in infections across Lancashire, all three...

Fr Harry
Jan 3, 2021
Thought for the week - 3 January
It is strange isn't it, that despite the massive build up to Christmas the festival itself is so very quickly forgotten. For weeks,...