Summer Fayre
I don't know whether it was because it took place earlier than usual or because we called it a Spring Fair but lo, the sun shone and we decided to set up on the lawn.

We had a super day. There were lots of games for the children, a beer tent and cafe for the grown ups, and hot dogs and beefburgers for all.
It was an ideal day to buy a few books from the Book stall, spend a pound or two on the various Tombolas and Raffles, stock up with a cake or three for tea and relax in the sunshine to watch the Karate display.
Philip entertained us throughout the afternoon and it was an opportunity to get to know the locals who popped in to enjoy the fun.
The highlight of the afternoon was the Silly Olympics when the more intrepid and athletic members of the congregation competed in a number of zany activities to win Olympic Medals.
It was a very happy and fun filled event, raising over £1,200 for Church. Thank you to Dee and the large team of helpers who, as usual worked so hard to make the event such a success.