About Us
We are an Anglo-Catholic church, maintaining traditional Catholic liturgy, preaching and teaching as the Church of England has received it. This is reflected in our style of worship and music.
We welcome everyone, irrespective of faith or belief, as one of God’s children and invite all who are full members of other Christian denominations to receive communion at Mass.
Anyone who attends a service is invited to come to the altar at the time of communion to receive a blessing.
Our church building is here for everyone and we try to keep it open most days from morning through to early evening. You are welcome to come along whether is to look at our beautiful building, visit the Actor's Chapel or to sit in quiet prayer and light a candle.
Our Mission Statement
To promote and maintain the Holy Catholic Faith through our own example of worship, spiritual life and service.
To achive this we will:
Strive to maintain the richness of tradition Anglo-Catholic worship
Endeavour to encourage and foster both newcomers to the faith and also our fellow Christians through private devotion, common prayer and spiritual refreshment for all
Seek to maintain an oasis of prayer and spiritual refreshment for all
Be committed to the creation of a welcoming and serving community through the care of both young and old in north shore
Seek to make the Good News of Christ known through Word and Sacramennt through joyful fellowship and loving service
We seek to do all this under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and through the saving grace of our Risen Saviour Jesus Christ.
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Matthew 28: 19
The Society
St Stephen on the Cliffs is affiliated to The Society.
The Society (or, The Society under the patronage of Saint Wilfrid and Saint Hilda) is a body led by a Council of Bishops. The purposes of the Society are:
To promote and maintain catholic teaching and practice within the Church of England
To provide episcopal oversight to which churches, institutions and individuals will freely submit themselves
To guarantee a ministry in the historic apostolic succession in which they can have confidence
The Society is supported by Forward in Faith and administered by its Director. Further information on The Society is available on their website