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Friends of St Stephens

Since 2007, The Friends of St Stephens have supported and financed to the tune of almost half a million pounds for the upkeep, repair and improvement of the church building to secure its continued existence as a spiritual and community centre for everyone who lives in north shore and the wider Blackpool community.


To be up front and honest, it takes money to keep St Stephens open.


The church isn’t financed by the Church of England – we have to pay our own way like all parish churches.


The friends raises money through subscriptions, managing legacies and donations and a variety of fundraising events. 


The friends have helped to finance large projects like:


  • Restoration of the magnificent stained glass windows

  • A brand new catering standard kitchen for the parish centre

  • A new electronic organ

  • Basic but very necessary repairs and replacements such as roof repairs, new boilers, blocked drains and leaking pipes


Becoming a Friend of St Stephens


If you become a friend you’ll receive:


  • Regular updates as to what’s going on, building works, repairs and improvements and

  • Be informed of the various social and fundraising events so that you can come along and join in

  • Most importantly, you’ll be helping to ensure the future of a much loved and important building and all it offers to the community




St Stephens has been at the centre of Blackpool’s north shore community for over a 100 years. Many people may not be regular church goers but they have said how they appreciate having St Stephens there for everyone when they need it whether it’s to come along to church for an occasional service, to have their children baptised, to marry or say farewell to a loved one or take part in one of the activities at our parish centre.


This church, with it’s simple exterior, but beautiful interior and unique Actors’ Chapel was awarded a Blue Heritage Plaque in 2011, a heritage worth keeping for the present and future generations as a place of prayer and worship and a valuable community resource.


Friends of St Stephens Registered Charity No 1120454 


St Stephen on the Cliffs, Holmfield Road, Blackpool, FY2 9RB

An Anglican church in the Diocese of Blackburn


St Stephen on the Cliffs PCC Reg Charity No 1131959

Friends of St Stephens Reg Charity No 1120454

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