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A reflection on our Confirmation

We sat down with our excellent sponsor several weeks after our confirmation to remember and reflect on what confirmation had meant to us.

Abby remembered us sitting privately with Bishop Philip just before the service and him talking to us kindly about what was about to happen. She also remembered him placing his bishop's hat (mitre) on her head like a crown.

We all remembered the bishop blessing us, saying a prayer for us, calling us by our name and anointing us with holy oil.

Bishop Philip, Jan and Abby

We sang hymns and said prayers with the whole congregation.

Jasmine remembered being baptised with water during the same service before she was confirmed.

We thought of the all the people who had inspired us during our journey of Christianity, before, during and since our confirmation.

We remembered Ian taking a photograph of us together after the service.

It was a beautiful day and the young people went home to a party and opened presents.

I remembered that my 5 year old grandson had sat quietly throughout the service.

Jasmine had the memory of me walking off after the service and forgetting to let the bishop go before me!

We had been overwhelmed by the service,the amount of support that we received from our church family, our personal families, our friends and the meaningful and thoughtful gifts that were given to us.

I had experienced real joy during and after the service and understood the meaning of this fruit of the spirit.

I remembered feeling blessed and proud to have shared the experience alongside two lovely young people from whom I learned so much.

The confirmation course equips you with a strategy that you can rely on for the rest of your life.

Advice from the young people was to 'stick with it because it's well worth it'.

To anyone considering being confirmed they would also say, "You have nothing to fear - Pay attention and you will find that it's fun". Also, "Be happy, think smart, do the homework and bring along your coloured pens and pencils".

If you come to the course with an open mind and with sincerity and commitment, you will find that you can respond in your own way. The course helps you to explore the Christian faith, giving you a better understanding. Encouraging you to meet the challenges of being a Christian by helping, praying for and inspiring others by the way you reflect your faith and by doing so, challenging others to believe.

It should help you to be mindful of always trying to have a kind heart and voice, not judging others but feeling compassion for them.

It should provide you with a sense of connecting and belonging to our church family

God will never give up on you - Surely, you will never get a better offer than this.

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