Fr Andrew Teather
Jul 30, 2023
Thought for the week - 30 July
On the face of it, this morning we hear about the reception of ‘stuff’- Solomon is offered ‘stuff’ and chooses Wisdom above all else –...

Fr Andrew Teather
Jul 23, 2023
Thought for the week - 23 July
I used to live in Germany, in the Rhineland Pfalz, of the Pfalz for short. It’s a little known and quite magical place, set between the...

Fr Andrew Teather
Jul 16, 2023
Thought for the week - 16 July
Over the next few weeks we will hear some of the parables of Jesus. They’re lively, punchy stories and they stick in your mind, and...

St Stephens
Jul 9, 2023
Thought for the week - 9 July
We might sometimes wonder to ourselves how Christ sometimes felt as He spoke to His followers and to His Father in heaven. We will never...

Fr Andrew Teather
Jul 2, 2023
Thought for the week - 2 July
I wonder if sometimes, as I do, you read the news online and think that maybe a sense of perspective would be useful? Issues of equality,...