Fr Anddrew
Oct 15, 2023
Thought for the week - 15 October 2023
It is quite usual in our culture for a bride to arrive late for her wedding. Often, the closer the bride lives to the church, the longer...

Fr Andrew Sage
Mar 7, 2021
Pastoral letter - 6 March 2020
Dear Brothers and sisters God be praised, I can announce that following advice from the diocese and the directors of public health, our...

Fr Andrew Sage
Mar 27, 2017
How times have changed!
I was speaking with someone last week about how he was trying to get an appointment with his optician. 14th April was suggested. When my...

Dot Graham
Dec 1, 2015
The first Sunday in Advent has, for several years, been the occasion of our visit to the cathedral to join in the Advent Carol Service....

Dot Graham
Jun 6, 2015
Pilgrimage to Ladywell
Our team of servers from Saint Stephen’s headed the long procession of pilgrims who came from Blackburn, Manchester and Chester Dioceses...

Dot Graham
May 14, 2015
A Vociferous Welcome for Bishop Philip
Bishop Philip's first confirmation at Saint Stephen's must be one he will never forget. Cantantes Domino made sure of that as they made...